Special Announcements
February 5, 2025
As you all know, our Summersville community has been hard with various illnesses. We were hopeful that it would subside more quickly than it has. After much consideration, we have decided it is in the best interest of our students and staff to take a couple days off in order to thoroughly disinfect the building and hopefully stop the spread any further.
With that being said tomorrow, **Thursday, February 6, 2025 will be an E-Learning Day and Friday, February 7, 2025 will be a Not in Attendance Day. **If your child does not have a device to be used at home for e-learning, you may contact the office to check out a device after school today (3:15 to 4:00).
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Regarding P/T conferences, we will not be hosting conferences in person tomorrow night. Instead, we have rescheduled our second round of P/T conferences for the morning of Friday, 2/14/25. (Students are not in attendance that day). If you had a conference scheduled for tomorrow evening, please call the SGS office next week to reserve a time slot on Friday, 2/14. If you are not available on the rescheduled morning due to work or other commitments, please contact your child's homeroom teacher directly to schedule a mutually convenient time.
In addition, all Peewee games and practices will also be canceled this weekend.
Notice of Change for December Board of Education Meeting:
Notice of Change for December Board of Education Meeting:
**Due to a scheduling conflict, the Summersville SD #79 Board of Education monthly meeting is being changed to Monday, January 20, 2025. Per usual, the meeting will start at 6:30 in the SGS Conference Room. **